Out of Focus (a novel of 2020)
Anandi Rose realises that the honeymoon period in her life is over. Her life seemed out of focus. The marriage after two decades had turned out to be a fiasco. This time Anandi didn’t even bother to pick up and glue the broken pieces as she had done till now. She reviewed the long list of individuals who have walked in and out of her life. Covid 19 was somehow a blessing in disguise for Anandi and her daughters Chinchu and Chinnu. All she had ever wanted was to lead a life of dignity, peace and happiness. Torn between her duties as a care giver to her children and parents, and her aspirations to become a writer, can Anandi find inspiration and consolation in the post Covid world? Out of focus delineates how Anandi strives to focus on fulfilling her fantastic ambitions in a world filled with uncertainties and fears!
Dr. Sanchita Joshua has been teaching English language and literature in various colleges in Kerala, South India since 1995.
This contribution was prompted by the 2020: a novel exercise.