
Can we start from where we are?
Can we start with a presumption of my ignorance?
Tell me a little of your life. 
Our difference. 
The first music that I ever heard
Playing in the yard behind Grandmother's house
The house in which my mother grew 
Was not the same as yours. 
The food whose fragrance drifted from the kitchen 
Calling me from play
Was not the same as yours. 
The toys that were my friends 
My champions and my distractions 
Were not the same as yours. 
The market place 
From which my Father's toil
Built up the roof over our heads 
Was not the same as yours. 
My father in so many ways, 
Was not the same as yours. 
The days of all my life 
Are different from yours
The lessons that I learnt 
Mistakes I made 
My triumphs and disasters 
Are printed on a different page. 
Will you now let me learn from you?
Admit another point of view?
And let our different pages
Pressed together in the book of life
Narrate a richer word?

In Avesta, the language of Persian / Iranian Zoroastrianism, Hamazor means 'interconnected'.

Stef Downham