Claudia Gualtieri (MA, PhD, Leeds UK) is Associate Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Milan. She has published on African and Canadian cultures and literatures in English, travel narratives, colonial and postcolonial writing, indigeneity, and cultural theory. Among her recently edited and co-edited books in English: Migration and the Contemporary Mediterranean. Shifting Cultures in Twenty-First-Century Italy and Beyond (2018), Utopia in the Present. Cultural Politics and Change (2018), Crisis, Risks, and New Regionalisms in Europe. Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands (with C. Sandten, R. Pedretti, H. Kronshage, 2017; it contains “Teaching as Cultural Practice: The Pedagogy of Cultural Studies in Italy”), Narrating Flight and Asylum (with M. Beck, R. Pedretti, C. Sandten, 2022; it contains “Words Beyond Borders: Behrouz Boochani’s No Friends but the Mountains”), Conversations on Utopia. Cultural and Communication Practices (with M. Bait, 2020), and the Italian translations of Lawrence Grossberg. Studi culturali, il lavoro intellettuale e la pratica politica. Saggi 2015-2021 (with R. Pedretti, 2022) and of Elleke Boehmer’s La ragazza che parlava zulu e altri racconti (2019). In From the European South. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Postcolonial Humanities, Claudia edited the Special Focus “Mobility, immobility and encounters along the South-North European Route” (2019) and contributed the essay “Keywords, again: provisional reflections from a situated perspective” to Surviving the Pandemic issue (2020). The essay “Setting the stage of contemporary migration in the Italian hostile environment” is forthcoming in The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture (C. Stan and C. Sussman and C. eds.). Claudia is the author of Representations of West Africa as Exotic in British Colonial Travel Writing (2002). Together with other scholars, academics and activists, Claudia has been the recipient of the British Academy’s Tackling the UK’s International Challenges funding with the project “Hostile Environments: Policies, Stories, Responses”, led by David Herd. Claudia currently works on refugee tales, questions of migration and resistance in 20th- and 21st-century literature and culture, borders and borderscapes, historical and cultural memory, cultural performances by new Italians, and the role of the public intellectual in contemporary Europe.