Bowen Wang

Bowen Wang is a PhD student in English at Trinity College Dublin and has worked as Early Career Researcher at Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute since 2020. His doctoral project examines the poet-painter artisthood of Mina Loy and E. E. Cummings in the early twentieth-century context of intermedial/transcultural modernisms, by exploring the proteanism and multifariousness of selves in their varied artistry – especially the verbal-visual portraiture as a means of life narrative. Most of his published articles are about the artistic techniques, e.g., readymade, abstraction, and graphic design, used in modernist ekphrases or artist-portrait poems. Before joining TCD in 2019, he attained a MSc in Literature and Modernity at the University of Edinburgh and a BA in English Language and Literature at Sun Yat-sen University (China). His research interests include Anglo-American modernism, intermediality between literature and art, word-image studies, experimental poetry, and the European avant-garde.