Daisy Hay: Stories of Romantic Birmingham — OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture:

Tuesday 3 May, 5.30pm GMT (UK time)
University of Birmingham, Arts Building Lecture Room 3. Lecture followed by drinks reception.
Please click to register here via Eventbrite
Daisy Hay: Stories of Romantic Birmingham — OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture
Tuesday 3 May, 5.30pm GMT (UK time)
University of Birmingham, Arts Building Lecture Room 3 (R16 on this campus map). Lecture followed by drinks reception.
We are delighted that Daisy Hay (University of Exeter) will give the second OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture. Daisy's new book, Dinner with Joseph Johnson, is an extraordinary account of writing, publishing, and friendship in a revolutionary age — and Birmingham is central to the story.
The OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture is a collaboration with the University of Birmingham's Arts of Place network, and will function as this term's Weinrebe Lecture.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/daisy-hay-stories-of-romantic-birmingham-tickets-311761616387