Laura Marcus Workshop 2 (MT23): On International Life-Writing

Friday 17 November (6th Week), 10.30am - 12.30pm
History of the Book Room, St Cross Building (English Faculty), Manor Road, OX1 3UL
Please note that this event is ONLY open to current members of the University of Oxford.
Join us for the second Laura Marcus Life-Writing Workshop of the Michaelmas Term 2023, led by Elleke Boehmer.
As usual the second workshop of the term invites participants to bring with them brief contributions for discussion. The theme of this workshop will be international life-writing and will include consideration of writing across borders, writing in different languages, writing in translation, and traditions of life-writing in different cultures and languages. If you have a favourite biography or memoir or autobiography which is written in translation, or which opens up another culture or cultures to you, or if you yourself are writing life-stories in a second language or across cultures and nationalities, please do come prepared to talk on such themes.
The acclaimed biographer of Shirley Hazzard, Brigitta Olubas, who will be giving a talk on her biography later the same day, will be in attendance, and will be happy to participate.
The first Laura Marcus Workshop of term (on Illness and Life-Writing) took place on Friday 27 October.
Please Note: Workshop places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis with priority given to members of the English Faculty. This event is only open to members of Oxford University. Places will be confirmed on Monday of 6th Week (13 November)
Tea/coffee and cake will be served during the workshop.
This event will take place in the St Cross building on Manor Road (more information). Attendees are advised to wear face coverings while indoors and to use an LFT prior to the event.
Please address any queries to