Lara Feigel in conversation with Hermione Lee

Tuesday 1 March, 5.30pm - 7pm
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College
Please register here via Eventbrite
Lara Feigel in conversation with Hermione Lee
Tuesday 1st March, 5.30pm - 7pm,
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College
The range of Lara Feigel’s writing as critic, literary historian and novelist has produced a remarkable oeuvre in which questions of life-writing continually surface and take on new directions. Lara and Hermione’s conversation will range across Lara’s non-fiction (which includes Free Woman: Life, Liberation and Doris Lessing and The Love-charm of Bombs: Restless Lives in the Second World War) and fiction (The Group). It will draw out vital concerns about the construction of the self, the relationship between life and work, the relationship between the individual and the collective, and issues of female identity.
Register here:
This event will take place in the Leonard Wolfson Auditorium (LWA) (accessibility information). Wolfson College currently operates a mandatory indoor face coverings and one-metre social distancing policy, and we can therefore offer 75 spaces are in the LWA. We strongly advise that attendees use an LFT prior to attendance.