Carlos Amorales: The Sound of Painting
with the Institute for Music and Philosophy
Carlos Amorales, a visual artist, will present ground-breaking work he has done with music, accompanied by the vocalist Sarmen Almond (who will conduct workshops on voice) and distinguished music and communications theorist Josh Kun, USC (who will offer perspectives on the creative initiatives of Amorales).
Our Ambition:

The purpose of the Institute of Music and Philosophy is to pursue cross-disciplinary research and discussion that focuses on the two fields of its title, taking inspiration from the European Graduate School (with which it is affiliated) and from high-level forms of creative encounter pursued in initiatives such as the Black Mountain College. Originating from a series of seminars pursued at the EGS devoted to the topic of craft, including "The Cello Project," (Saas Fee, 2017), it will seek to open the question of music and philosophy in creative and searching ways, drawing upon other arts, on performance, and various theoretical, historical and scientific approaches. All those for whom music represents some form of experience (which need not be professional) will be welcome to join this venture.
For further information, contact Christopher Fynsk:
EGS students who are interested in participating in these seminars should contact Nemanja Mitrovic: