In the past year we’ve given up many daily aspects of our lives. Meeting friends in coffee shops, commuting, gym visits, library lounging, haircuts, window shopping, swimming, meandering walks, eating out…
What small daily rituals have you been missing? Recreate and celebrate them in this prompt.
Make a list of small rituals in your day that you’re currently missing. Then choose one to focus on.
Think about the series of actions that you take to perform this ritual:
- Where and when does it start? When you wake? Weeks before, when you plan for it? The moment you step outside your door?
- What key steps are essential to it?
- When and how does it finish? How long does it linger?
- List how each of your senses are engaged in this ritual.
- How has it changed over the years? How has it remained the same?
Can you imagine in detail the first specific time (not long now, hopefully) when you’ll be able to do it once more? What will you savour the most?
For additional inspiration, read this poem on friendship, time and coffee shops by Sanna Wani, ‘Tomorrow is a Place’
Then either:
- Write a list of instructions to create a poem that helps you remember how to do (and enjoy) this everyday ritual. Or
- Write a piece of flash fiction where you time travel back to the moment(s) of the ritual and notice it in immense detail, capturing it on the page.
We hope that you might find some inspiration in this writing prompt but as always if you would like to write something else - a diary entry, poem, your reflections on something else about your life at the moment - we'd be delighted to read whatever you would like to send. To go directly to the submission page and send us your writing, click here.