Katherine Collins

Dr Katherine Collins


Katherine Collins is a poet and a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include the creative and critical practices involved in the writing of marginalised lives, issues like the politics and poetics of life-writing, testimonial cultures and witnessing, and autobiographies of resistance. 

She is currently researching a book based on the work of three scholars - Paulo Freire, Orlando Fals-Borda, and Muhammad Anisur Rahman - with particular attention to the ways in which their lived experiences of activist education and scholarship informed their theoretical contributions.

Her poetry has appeared or will appear in Finished Creatures, Shearsman Magazine, Ink Sweat and TearsAnthropocene, The Rialto and the SciPo (science poetry) 2021 anthology Science of the Seas. Her debut pamphlet For the Apocalypse Team was shortlisted in The Rialto 2020 Open Competition. She is reading for an MFA in poetry at the Manchester Writing School.